Saturday, May 26, 2007

Viva Molo 21!

Kevin and Eleonora have opened their new restaurant, Molo 21. Kevin is the Head Chef and Eleonora is the Restaurant Manager. They have both been working very hard to prepare for this, and I think that they have done an excellent job.

Connected to La Najadi Hotel on Lungomare Marconi (just north of the main beach), it's located right on the sea with an amazing view, offering both indoor and outdoor seating. The restaurant serves primarily fresh seafood, but also offers some of the best pasta and risotto that I have had in Italy. That's pretty cool considering it is coming from our Canadian friend.

They also have a wine bar, and will operate a beach as of June 1st. I may be a bit biased, but I think it is the best restaurant in Santa Marinella. And we finally have a wine bar!!! The wine bar will be THE new hotspot in this town for sure when people find out about it. Thank God, because the Monkey Pub needs some help.

Do yourself a favor and come check it out. Tell em Jonny Bello sent ya! ;)

The Wunsch Family are leaving us for good...again.

If my sources are correct this year, Mark, Jessica and baby Felicity will be heading back to the United States this week to start their new life there.

Of course they will be missed, and we send them off with prayers and best-wishes!

For those trying to keep track of John Kunz's travel plans, the latest is that he will NOT be coming back to Santa Marinella this summer at all. Maybe next year...

Good luck to all those preparing for exams this week!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Thanks! I miss you guys!

I just wanted to take the time and think you all for the overwhelming support and prayers! It's been wonderful to hear from so many of you during this difficult time. Today I recieved some beautiful flowers from my "friends in Santa Marinella". Thank you! I can't wait to see you all in a few weeks.



Voglio esprimere il mio ringrazimento per tutte le preghiere e e-mail! Sentivo vicino tutti voi! Sono felice perche ho sentito da tanti voi durante questo tempo deficile. Oggi ho ricevuto alcuni bellissimi fiori da miei "amici di Santa Marinella." Grazie mille! Spero di vederti presto!
