Tuesday, October 24, 2006

For those who are not currently in SM: Here is a sunrise seen from our beloved little town!


John said...

Mr. Tony sir... why oh why would you be up that early!!! Trust me, the sunsets are SO MUCH MORE ACCESSIBLE!!! :)

awesome pic sir... (or if you took it marta, it's even lovelier!)

Anthony & Marta Valle said...

Thanks! I (Marta) took it.

We posted it thinking also of everybody who does not make it that early... ;-)

...It was not actually that early, between 7:15 and 7:30am.

God bless! Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Jon and Duquesa Lamers said...

Thanks for putting the picture up! You have quite a view from your place.
Also, we really enjoyed the party last week!

Corinne said...

Hello from Washington DC from the Fletchers! Thanks for the view Marta...we miss seeing the Mediterranean!! PAX